Knockdown 60% of all enemies within 3.5 m radius, S: Fore Chop Damage +50%ĭamage Reduction +3 and Evasion +3 to 10 allies for 60 min (including self)īDO Database: Champron | Saddle | Stirrups | Barding | Horseshoe Krogdalo’s Horse Gear – Sea INGREDIENTSīDO Database: Champron | Saddle | Stirrups | Barding | Horseshoe Krogdalo’s Horse Gear – Earth INGREDIENTSīDO Database: Champron | Saddle | Stirrups | Barding | Horseshoe 1.2. Max HP/Stamina +100 to 10 allies for 60 min (including self)Ĭharge Attack Range +70%, Charge Damage +50% Knockback 70% of all enemies within 3.5 m radius, S: Fore Chop Damage +50%ĪP +5 to 10 allies for 60 min (including self)Įnemy’s Movement Speed -20%, Charge Damage +50%Īttack/Casting Speed -20% of all enemies within 3.5 m radius Krogdalo Wind Set’s in-game appearance in Black Desert OnlineĮach set is, of course, made up of the usual pieces: